本文寻求和中国入世相联系的几个问题的解决方案。首先 ,本文探讨了是否中国的入世仅仅对包含中国在内的几个国家有利 ,还是对这个地区有利。根据本文观点 ,回答是不。只要APEC经济持续开放 ,不仅中国 ,其余的成员国也会因中国的入世而受益。本文同时设法回答了中国的入世在静态和动态方面对APEC其余成员国的影响。由实验数据所支持 ,动态和静态的影响是巨大的。本文要解决的第三个问题是中国的入世会给政策的制订带来影响。入世带来的国内改革一定会增强中国的全面生产率 ,因为WTO所带来的变化将清除阻碍人力和有形资金的障碍。
This paper seeks the ways to answer several questions associated with the effects of China's accession to the WTO. First, it discusses whether China's accession to the WTO will contribute to overall regional (or world) growth rather than benefiting only a small number of countries (or only China). In light of the discussion in this paper, the answer is no. As long as APEC economies remain open, not only China itself, but also the other members will benefit from China's accession to the WTO. This paper also tries to answer the question regarding the extent of effects both static and dynamic that China's accession to the WTO will have on other APEC members. As evidenced by the empirical results, they both can be substantial. The third question this paper has tried to answer is what effect China's accession to the WTO will have on its own policy making. The internal reform following its accession will surely enhance China's total productivity as changes imposed by the WTO will remove barriers to efficiency and investment in human and physical capital.
Journal of Beijing Union University
trade patterns
gravity equation
total factor productivity