Strategic information systems assist an organization with the significant opportunity to gain competitive advantage in executing its business plans and realizing its business goals. The universities establish long-range plan of information systems in an effort to provide just-in-time, useful, efficient and effective information services to their members such as professors, students, and staffs when carrying out various organizational activities. The university information systems started from the primitive computer-based application, extended to the administrative and educational informatization, even to the virtual university concept. Through an empirical analysis and complementary case examples, the current study carefully chose three Korean universities according to their chronological importance, that have undergone the information systems planning process years from 1995 to 2001. These universities then, were compared in terms of the information technology architecture: the information architecture, infra architecture, and information management architecture. These three areas of sytem were cross-examined under the consideration of the evolution of information technology architecture, and its impact on the development of university informatization. As part of a fulfillment plan to satisfy the needs of customers of current trend, it is evident that the university informatization provides a stepladder to highly competitive, first class university in the market, through achieving the educational advancement, research enhancement, and administrative efficiency. The result of the study analysis indicates that, of the three architectures examined, the weakness showed in the information management architecture. Therefore it is crucial for the university staffs, managers and professors to understand the significance of the successful implementation of the information system and its maintenance. Our study certainly will act as a catalyst for the promotion of the future university informatization projects.
Journal of Beijing Union University
university informatization
information achitechture
infra architecture
information management architechture