青年教师是学校的未来 ,青年教师队伍的整体素质如何 ,直接关系到学校的兴亡。但近几年来 ,面对市场经济发展带来的人才流动大潮的冲击 ,青年教师队伍的建设也出现了一些值得担忧的问题。主要表现在 :一是青年教师队伍不稳定 ,特别是青年教师中的学术带头人外流 ,造成学术梯队不稳定 ;二是由于用人制度和分配制度上存在的论资排辈和平均主义 ,影响了青年教师积极性和创造性的充分发挥 ;三是办学经费投入不足 ,难以吸引优秀的年轻人才 ,部分青年教师也因兼职多而不能专心教学科研工作。为解决教师队伍建设所面临的问题 ,应采取“内扶外引” ,以内扶为主 ,以外引为辅的办法 ,促进青年教师队伍的建设。
Young teachers are the future of the university. The whole quality of the young teaching team directly concerns the rise and fall of the university. However, in recently years, facing the impact of talented personal' s flow caused by the development of market economy, the building of the young teaching team in Beijing Union University has also met some problems. First of all, the young teaching team is not stable, especially the young academic leaders' brain drain has caused the unstability of the academic team. Second, the existing phenomena of equalitarianism and giving top priority to seniority in promotion in personnel-choosing system and allocating system greatly influence the young teachers' enthusiasm and creativity. Third, the shortage for the education input can hardly attract excellent young people. And some young teacher can't concentrate on teaching and scientific research work for too much part-time work. To solve the problems in the construction of teaching team, Beijing Union University should take the measure of “encouraging the young teachers inside the university and introducing more young talented personnel from outside”. We should rely mainly on encouraging the young teachers inside the university while introducing talented personnel from outside to promote the building of the young teaching team.
Journal of Beijing Union University
young teacher
building the young teaching team