石狮市五套班子办公大楼的结构设计 ,采用品字型筒体剪力墙结构体系 ,平面布置空间大、分隔灵活、结构刚度大 ,提高了结构的安全性和抗震、抗台风的性能。根据工程地质情况 ,采用人工挖孔桩。对人工挖孔桩进行了桩基检测 ,Ⅰ类桩占 81% ,Ⅱ类桩占 19% ;并对其中 3根桩进行抽心取样 ,抗压强度最小值为 3 7 0MPa ,均大于设计要求。对上部结构采用中国建筑科学研究院开发的程序进行了薄弱层验算 ,得出的结果均符合国家规程的要求。该建筑已交付使用 ,情况良好。
The canister shearing wall structure was introduced in the structure design of government office building in Shishi city. This brought about commodious space in plane, flexible compartmentization, high structural stiffness, improved safety and aseismatic and typhoon-proof capacities of the structure. In the light of engineering geology, the cast-in-place piles with artificial-digging holes were used. The inspection of the pile foundation indicates that first class of the pile accounts for 81 percent and second class of pile 19 percent. The spot checks of three pile cores show that the minimum compression strength is 37MPa, meeting the need of design. Checking computation was made on the upper structure with the software developed by the China Architecture Science Research Institute. The results of checking computation are in line with the state criteria. The building has been made available to the users and run normally.
Mining And Metallurgy
Canister shearing wall structure
Structural stiffness
Aseismatic capability