关于上海,联想到的是精致,如王家卫那部电影《花样年华》,上海人的生活如同张曼玉在电影里频频更换的那几十身旗袍,令人眼花缭乱, 但每一身却都是那么眩目、光鲜。上海的酒吧多是清婉风格的,充斥着浓浓的小资情调。
<abstract>Many people visit Shanghai for its moder atmosphere while others search and explore for its past .The city is as delicate as Wong Kar-Wai s movie 'In the Mood for Love' and its life as dazzing as Maggie Cheung s dresses. Shanghai is among the most if not the most ,open-minded placws in China Shanghai people have the tradition as among the first to be aware anython new in the world and adopt the new fastest to their saily life. Shanghai people love tennis .They have the Heineken Open and P...