目的 探讨高频超声检测小儿腹股沟斜疝腹股沟管扩张程度对于选择手术方式的价值。 方法 回顾分析 4 88例施行单纯疝囊高位结扎手术的小儿腹股沟斜疝超声检测的腹股沟管扩张最大内径 ,分组追踪其术后斜疝复发率。 结果 腹股沟管扩张最大内径 >1.5 cm的一组病例术后复发率明显增高。 结论 高频超声检测腹股沟管扩张最大内径 >1.5 cm的小儿腹股沟斜疝有必要行斜疝修补术 ,减少复发率 。
Objective\ To detect the value of high frequency echosonography in herniorrhaphy in children.\ Methods\ The degree of dilate of groin and the rate of recur in 488 cases with operation of high position ligation of the hernia sac were examined.\ Results\ There were high recurrence rate in the cases with diameter of dilate groin >1.5 cm.\ Conclusion\ The herniorrhaphy is carely managed in the cases with which diameter of dilated groin >1.5 cm by the high frequency ultrasound, so that recurrence rate will...
Journal of Fujian Medical University