In the past three decades, numerous papers have bee n publishedon the dynamics of rotating discs. most of them have focused on the ma thematical modeling and solution for a specific interactive force, such as a n elastic force produced by a stationary spring or a damping force from a statio nary viscous damper. Few of them have looked into the instability mechanisms. This study has established a generalized approach to investigate the instability mechanisms that are involved in the interaction between a rotating and an arbit rary interactive force. An energy flux equation has been developed, which leads to the following conclusions: (1) The possibility of the occurrence of instability due to any interactive forc es may be identified based on the energy flux analysis, even without solving equ ations. (2) Instabilities will occur if the interactive forces are in phase with the vel ocity measured at the interactive point from the coordinates rotating with the d isc. (3) Instability cannot occur when a rotating disc is subjected to a stationary c onstant lateral force, but a stationary harmonic lateral force, a moving constan t lateral force or a moving harmonic lateral force may cause instability. (4) Conservative forces may only cause coupling instability associated with two modes, and non-conservative forces usually cause terminal instability where onl y one mode is involved.
In the past three decades, numerous papers have bee n publishedon the dynamics of rotating discs. most of them have focused on the ma thematical modeling and solution for a specific interactive force, such as a n elastic force produced by a stationary spring or a damping force from a statio nary viscous damper. Few of them have looked into the instability mechanisms. This study has established a generalized approach to investigate the instability mechanisms that are involved in the interaction between...
Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science