
The Planning and Scheduling of Business Process in Agile Supply Chain System 被引量:1

The Planning and Scheduling of Business Process in Agile Supply Chain System
摘要 The rapidly developing global competition is leadin g to the worldwide enterprise alliance, with which the geographical dispersion of production, assembly and distribution operations comes into being. Supply chain system is such a kind of enterprise alliance, managing the material and informat ion flows both in and between enterprises, such as vendors, manufacturing and assembly plants and distribution centers. In the present research work, we can see that supply chain system can quickly respond to customer needs and adapt to the dynamic change of the market so as to improve the competence of enterprises in the chain. Thus, in supply chain system, it’s most important to enhance the speed with which the products are produced and distributed to the customers who order them and reduce the operating costs at the same time. However, because of the special characteristics, such as dynamic and distributed , etc., often in Agile Supply Chain System (ASCS), there are many dynamic tasks, and many urgent changes of the processes, which make the planning work and mana gement become very difficult and complex. Thus, in Agile Supply Chain System, we first need an efficient planning work, which can program the processes properly to get a primary scheme. And then the local scheduling work based on the primar y scheme will play a important role to deal with the dynamic and distributed pro blems in the business process in ASCS. So, this paper will be organized as below . At the first of this paper, we will discuss the situation in which Agile Suppl y Chain System is applied, and then we will elaborate the characteristics of Agi le Supply Chain System. With that, the shortcomings of the process managements t hat are, at present, used in Supply Chain Systems will be displayed clearly. Sec ond, we will introduce the planning methods in our research work. And then, the local scheduling will be discussed in detail, based on the primarily planned wor kflow. To realize the goal, first we build the mathematic model to describe the scheduling goal of system optimum, based on the categories of the cooperating-r elation among the operation nodes, which we defined in our research work, in Agi le Supply Chain System. And then the optimized algorithm to solve the model woul d be introduced, in succession. At the final of this paper, we will introduce some knowledge of the process mana gement and the realization of ASCS and summarize our work. The rapidly developing global competition is leadin g to the worldwide enterprise alliance, with which the geographical dispersion of production, assembly and distribution operations comes into being. Supply chain system is such a kind of enterprise alliance, managing the material and informat ion flows both in and between enterprises, such as vendors, manufacturing and assembly plants and distribution centers. In the present research work, we can see that supply chain system can quickly respond to c...
出处 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第S1期285-286,共2页 Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science
基金 Projectsupportedby 863CIMSTopics (2 0 0 1AA4 1 4 2 3 0 )
关键词 ASCS urgent order PLANNING local scheduling ASCS urgent order planning local scheduling
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