忽如一夜春风来,原本平静如水的雕塑界竟如同压力锅里进出的爆米花,又像漫天飞舞的杨花柳絮,一下子成了艺术行业里的热门。在这形势大好的当口,本刊难掩内心的喜悦,借用几块毛竹木片搭建这么一个平台,诚邀美术、音乐、建筑、戏剧、文学、哲学等领域的专家学者,以及所有关心雕塑的人们,从不同层面、不同角度对雕塑这一特殊文化形式做出适度的剖析与解构。 本期推出的是雕塑业内有一定成就的著名雕塑家、学者,主要谈的是有关雕塑的创作技巧、经验与美学理念,发展状况及前景等问题,意在找到一个焦点,由内及外地扩散出去,以激起人们对雕塑艺术及人类精神家园的关注与追求。
Opinions and Appeals Just as the spring breeze caresses our land overnight, the sculpture circle suddenly becomes the focus of the art world, like the popcorn in a pressure cooker, or the whirling willow catkins and poplar flowers. In such a satisfying environment, the editors are not able to conceal their joys and decide to set up their sculpture platform with some "bamboo slices". The scholars and experts in the fields of fine arts, music, architecture, drama, literature and philosophy and all of the peop...