对于地形测绘和其它环境条件复杂的地区,用常规方法进行数据采集比较困难,传统的测绘方法越来越不能满足测量效率和成本的要求,但采用GPS RTK与全站仪联合作业,使RTK与全站仪优势互补,在保证测量精度的前提下,可大幅度提高测量速度和效率。
In the region where a varied topography and complex environment existed,it is very difficult to do outdoors data collecting by traditional means.Traditional methods can t content the demand of survey efficiency and prime cost.While combined of GPS-RTK and total station,it can be mutually complement each other and improve survey pace and efficiency on the premise of ensure survey precision.
Modern Surveying and Mapping