

To Comprehend and Grasp the Keys of Case-teaching in Chinese Universities
摘要 案例设计选用,须含有内在的针对性、模真性、典型性、完整性、问题性、开放性;案例与举例教学有不同的地位、主体、目的,涵盖范围;案例与传统教学有较大区别的目标、载体、方式、交流形态、师生地位、检验手段、答案标准、学习效果;"黑箱式"、"启发式"、"范例式"、"无条件式"是案例教学的常用模式;突出案例性、自主性、交互性、问题性、实践性等教学过程特点很重要;要正视案例形成过程复杂,教学难度大,概念、原理知识有所缺失或过度概括的局限性;然后多管齐下,有效控制之。 The cases design and selection must contain such features as direction,imitation,typicality,completeness,questioning and openness.Compared with example teaching,case-teaching has a different position,main part,aim,and scope of coverage.Different from traditional teaching,it has a specific goal,carrier,pattern,form of exchange,the status of teacher and student,means of exams,standard for keys and study effects.Some of the usual modes include artifices of "Black-box mode","inspiration","exemplification","unco...
作者 曹正文 陶虹
出处 《广西青年干部学院学报》 2008年第5期38-40,共3页 Journal of Guangxi Youth Leaders College
关键词 案例教学 学科理论系统 内在特性 case-teaching subject theory system intrinsic characteristic
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