曲轴圆角滚压强化是提高曲轴疲劳强度的有利措施.本文根据486Q 曲轴圆角滚压强化的经验,对滚压强化后曲轴变形进行分析,认为滚压形成的残余压缩应力层破坏了曲轴内应力平衡,因而导致曲轴变形.压力校直将破坏残余压缩应力,精磨修正又将使压缩硬化区偏磨,因而在过渡圆角处采用沉割.为保证轴颈与沉割槽同心,在工艺上需要重新考虑.本文对曲轴圆角滚压工艺,进行了有益的探讨.
Use the method of hard rolling the fillect of crankshaft is an effective means increase the fatigue strength of crankshaft. Accnrding to the experience of streng then the crankshaft by fillet hard rolling,this paper analysis the crankshaft deflection after hard rolling.It is found that the residual compression stress layer formed by hard rolling,it breaks the internal stress balance of crankshaft,and leads to the deflection of crenksbaft,How to correct the deflection is a important problem;if correct the deflection by press,it will weaken the residu compression stress,which the increasing of fatigue strength are depend on it;if correct the deflection by fine grinding,and this may cause the rolling harden area offset by grinding;So it is The best way to make a countersink groove on the trnsient fillet.But it must be considered again in Technique to ensure the countersink groove may concetric with the journal.In this paper a eetailed study and fully discussion are given about the technigue of fillet hard rolling of crankshaft.
Journal of Changsha Railway University