中国和印度是世界两个巨大的市场 ,中国加入WTO后 ,同印度有着共同的利益 ,在WTO的框架内 ,将会促进和推动中印贸易的进一步发展。但是 ,两国贸易虽有一定的互补性 ,同时也面临着新一轮竞争。所以 ,两国应进一步改善政治关系 ,发挥优势互补 ,扩大贸易合作领域 ,加快通道建设 ,扩大边境贸易 ,设立贸易合作特区 ,进一步改善法制环境 ,使中印贸易上一个新台阶。
Both China and India are giant markets of the world. The two countries will share common interests after admission of China into WTO and promote development of their bilateral trade in the framework of WTO. However, their bilateral trade will be faced with new challenges and competition with each other though there is mutual complementarity in trade between the two economies. The two neighbors, therefore, should further improve their bilateral political relations, bring into full play the mutual complementa...
South Asian Studies Quarterly