中国加入WTO后 ,对我国经济发展既带来机遇又提出了挑战 ,根据比较优势而重新配置资源将导致效益的提高 ;取消了保护 ,从而提高了出口商品的国际竞争力 ;《多纤维协定》的逐步废除 ,从而提高了我国纺织品和服装在出口中的地位。同时由于外来产品的冲击 ,使我国有些产品的发展受到不利影响 ,就业和收入分配也将发生较大的变化。
Admission of China into WTO will both bring opportunities for and pose challenges to her economic development. After admission of China into WTO, China will achieve much better benefit as a result of re-allocation of resources in accordance with the law of relative advantage; improve the international competitive power of her export goods as a result of abolishment of high protection of her products from international competition; and improve the position of her textile goods and garments in exportation as ...
South Asian Studies Quarterly