北京是中国的历史名城之一。历史上 ,其地域范围内的土地利用与土地覆被随人类活动强度而变化 ,各个时期的城市用地扩张是其中最明显的变化之一。本文将北京的历史发展过程划分为两个阶段 ,前一阶段从辽代建都到 1911年封建王朝的瓦解 ;第二阶段从 1911年到现在。本文围绕后一阶段进行探讨。指出 :在过去的大约 10 0年中 ,通过城市化表现的北京土地利用与土地覆被变化巨大 ,在过去的 5 0年间尤为明显。北京的城市用地扩张及由此推动的土地利用 /土地覆被变化之所以更为显著 ,与政治及社会意识形态改变、政策和制度变化、以及人口增长、科技进步和经济实力增强等社会、经济、人文因素密切相关。它们与土地利用
Beijing is one of the ancient cities in China. In history, land use and land cover in its territory changed with intensities of human activities. The most striking land use change is the expansion of urbanized areas no matter fast or slow in different periods. Its historical development process could be roughly divided into two periods in this paper, one is from Liao Dynasty when Beijing initiatively became the capital to 1911 when traditional China ended. Another period is from 1911 to the present, particularly from 1949 to 1997 on which the discussion on land use and cover change is focused. The period of 1949 to 1997 could be divided into two sub-periods, i e , planned economy period from 1949 to 1978, and the institutional and market oriented transition period from 1978 to the present. Through the brief discussion, we can see that land use/land cover change has been accelerated in the past 100 years, especially in the past 50 years because of the changes of social ideologies, policies, population growth, technological improvements and the strengthening of economic power. More detailed and quantitative studies of the relationship between those social-human factors and the urbanization as well the land use/land cover change need further studies in the future. The consequences of land use and cover change in Beijing, the future development trends of the city and some related issues are also discussed in the paper.
Geographical Research
中科院地理科学与资源研究所创新项目资助 (CXIOG -B0 0 - 0 1- 0 3)