运用个体乳酸阈 (ILAT)对 30名青少年水球运动员有氧耐力的训练和评价进行实验研究 ,纵向观察ILAT强度的匀速游、间歇游、变速游和混合游 4种训练方式对有氧耐力的影响。结果表明 :4种不同方式的训练 ,对水球运动员ILAT时的游速和心率及其他心肺功能指标产生不同的影响 ,从有氧耐力的良好生理和训练效应来看 ,混合游最优 ,变速游和间歇游次之 ,匀速游最差。
To find a better way to improve the oxygenic stamina of water polo players. we've attempted four different swimming training patterns in the research, with 30 teens players as subjects. By measuring the ILAT and estimating the effect on swimming speed, heart rhythm and cardio respiratory function of each player from different training patterns. We reach such a conclusion that of these four swimming training patterns, the comprehensive-type pattern can best improve the oxygenic stamina of the players; the changing pace pattern and the intermittent pattern come the second even-pace pattern.
Journal of Chengdu Sport University