
西方蜜蜂(Apis mellefera L.)主要经济性状的配合力与杂种优势分析 被引量:4

The combining ability and heterosis analysis of main economic properties in Apis mellifera L.
摘要 以2×4不完全双列杂交设计,对蜜蜂6个亲本的4个经济性状(蜂蜜、王浆、花粉和蜂蜡)进行了配合力和杂种优势分析。结果表明:(1)4个性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力方差均显著,说明基因加性效应和非加性效应都起作用,但其重要性不同;(2)特殊配合力方差均不显著大于平均方差,因此亲本评价以一般配合力为主。四个性状浙农大1号意蜂的一般配合力都高,是个优质亲本;而东北黑蜂和喀尼阿兰蜂的蜂蜜,卡尔巴阡蜂的蜂蜡,高加索蜂的花粉,乌克兰蜂的王浆一般配合力高,这五个亲本在提高蜜蜂单个经济性状产量时具有重要价值。(3)4个性状中亲平均优势均为正值,高亲平均优势都是负值,但也有一些超高亲组合,因此通过亲本的适当选配可获得强优势组合,以提高4种蜂产品的产量。 LIU Yan-he, CHEN Sheng-lu (College of Animal Science, Zhejiang Universitr,Hangzhou 310029,China) Abstraet: In Apis mellofera, the incomplete diallel design of 2×4 was made to evaluate the combining abilitr and heterosis of main Gconornic properties that are honey, royal jellv, bee pollen and wax. The results indicate that :(1 )Both combing a- bilitr (GCA and SCA) varances are significantly different (P<0. 05), so both additive and non-additive effects have influ- ences on.these characters. (2)SCA variances are not significantly more than mean variances , so parent evaluations mainly determined by Gca. Zhejiang Nongda No. 1 Apis mellifera ligustica, which has high GCA, is a good parent; A. m. spp and A. m. carnica in honey, A. m. earpatiea in bee wax, A. m. caucasica in bee pollen and A. m. aceruorum in royal jelly, their GCAS are greater, so they are of great value on increasing the yield of relative economic property. (3)The mean heterosis over mean-parent is positive, and the heterosis over high-parent negative,but there are some combinations over the high parent, therefore we can obtain high yield combinations by appropriate selection for parents.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2001年第3期169-173,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
基金 浙江省科委重点项目
关键词 西方蜜蜂 蜂蜜 王浆 蜂蜡 配合力 杂种优势 Apis mellifera honey royal jelly bee pollen bee wax eombining ability heterosis.
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