

Effects of isoproterenol on nitrogen metabolism and G6PDH activity of rat hepatocyte
摘要 利用原代培养的肝细胞测定了异丙肾上腺素 (ISO,1× 1 0 - 6 mol/L)对大鼠肝细胞氮代谢和 6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PDH)活性的影响。结果表明 ISO可影响大鼠肝细胞中尿素氮的浓度 ,与对照组相比 ISO实验组培养液中尿素氮水平下降了 3 0 .66% (P<0 .0 5 ) ,且 ISO的这种作用可被 β-阻断剂心得安 (PRO,1× 1 0 - 6 mol/L)所阻断。ISO也增加 3H-亮氨酸参入肝细胞的量 ,与对照组相比其幅度提高了 1 9.64% (P<0 .0 5 ) ,同样 PRO可抑制这种作用。ISO还具有增加大鼠肝细胞产生 IGF-I的趋势 ,但与对照组相比无明显影响 (P<0 .0 5 )。ISO对大鼠肝细胞 G6PDH活性具有显著影响 ,实验组肝细胞中 G6PDH活性与对照组相比下降了 42 .66% (P<0 .0 5 ) ,ISO引起的肝细胞 G6PDH活性下降的作用也可被 PRO所阻断。提示 ISO可通过增强大鼠肝细胞氮素的保留和蛋白质的合成 ,以及通过抑制肝细胞 The rat hepatocyte was to study the effects of isoprotetenol(ISO,1×10 -6 mol/L)on nitrogen metabolism and G6PDH activity.The results showed that utea nitrogen concentration of hepatocyte culture medium was significantly affected by ISO,the utea nitrogen level was decreased by 30 66%(P<0 05)compared with control,and the effect of suppressed utea nitrogen production of hepatocyte by ISO was antagonized by ptopranold hydrochioride(PRO,1×10 -6 mol/L).The content of 3 H leucine incorporation into rat hepatocyte was incresed by 19 64%(P<0 05)with ISO treatment,and PRO blockaded the enhanced 3 H leucine incorporation during ISO treated.The insulin like growth factor I(IGF I)production of rat hepatocyte was also elenated by ISO,though no significence difference was found compared to that of control.Moreover,G6PDH activity of rat hepatocyte was decreased by 42 66%(P<0 05)with ISO treatment,but PRO antagonized the declined effect.It is suggested that ISO may regulate growth and development by means of increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis and decreasing G6PDH activity of hepatoyte.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2001年第4期249-253,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金 (3 95 70 5 3 6)
关键词 异丙肾上腺素 氮代谢 IGF-I G6PDH 肝细胞 大鼠 isoproterenol nitrogen metabolism IGF-I G6PDH hepatocyte rat
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