以创新、调整、提高、发展为方针 ,调整产业、产权、劳动、企业组织结构 ,努力作好 5个“务必”、 1个“关键” ,明确思路 ,抓好“突破产权结构性障碍 ,强化瓦斯综合治理 ,发挥主导产业的规模优势 ,完善资产经营责任制 ,整合多种经营 ,提高职工生活水平” 6项重点工作 ,使矿区经济运行步入良性循环发展的轨道。
Taking innovation, adjustment, improvement and development as policies, Huainan Mining Limited Liability Co. adjusts the organization framework of industry, the property right, the labor and the enterprise, makes great efforts to complete five 'must's and one 'key'. It did six aspects of important work that include breaking through the obstruction of property right framework, aggrandizing the synthetic administration, exerting predominance of magisterial industry, consummating financial managerial responsibility system, conforming diversified economy, improving the standard of employee's living in order to make economical operation into the effective circulation.
Coal Mining Technology