美国新政府上台以来 ,进行了针对中国的全球战略调整 ,其对华政策逐渐向右转 ,呈现强硬态势。本文认为 ,保守主义势力抬头是美国新政府对华政策调整的主要国内因素 ,维护美国在世界上的领导地位、应对中国的崛起和挑战则是其外部考虑。美国新政府的对华正在面临抉择 ,中美关系再次面临考验。
Since its coming into power, the Bush administration is readjusting its global strategy, partly aimed at China. Besides, its China policy is being toughened up. With its cross-Strait policy tilting towards Taiwan, the Sino-U.S. relationship is once again at a crossroads. These readjustments are mainly based on two factors: the rising conservatism at home and the need to meet China's challenges in preserving U.S. leadership in the world. The Chinese government and people dearly cherish and value a stable and healthy Sino-U.S. relationship However, this would not be achieved at the expense of China's principle. At this critical juncture, the Bush administration is facing a choice of historical significance.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies