美国耶鲁大学历史学迪尔沃思讲座教授、国际安全研究项目主任保罗·肯尼迪可称为近二三十年来最享盛名的国际关系史和战略史学家。在对历史的研究中 ,这位杰出的学者形成了相当系统、在若干重要方面独具特色的战略思想 ,特别是补充和升华了业已存在的大战略理论。他的战略思想中对于大战略理论特别重要的部分包括 :大战略不仅在战争时期、也在和平时期对实现或维护国家基本利益的重大意义 ;制订和实施大战略的关键———国家对外政策目标与其手段之间的协调或平衡 ;关于各种具体的国家资源或对外政策手段与国家战略间关系的历史———理论分析 ,特别是对于地缘政治和经济、技术两大类要素的战略含义之尤为深切、具体的揭示。由此 ,他使大战略理论具有了基本的全面性 ,而且变得更具历史的可靠依据和丰富例证 ,从而也更具现实指导意义。
Paul Kennedy is one of the most renowned historians in the recent 20-30 years for international relations and strategy. In his historical studies, he has developed a systematic and distinctively featured strategic thinking, complemented and improved the existing Grand Strategy, and provided historical narratives of strategic thinking as educational materials. His Grand Strategy-related strategic thinking can be summarized as follows. The Grand Strategy safeguards fundamental national interests both at wartime and peacetime; the key to Grand Strategy is the balance between ends and means of the national foreign policy; it is important to seek the relationship between national resources and national strategy based on geopolitical and economic-technological analyses. Paul Kennedy thus approaches the Grand Strategy in a more comprehensive and more instructive way.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies