社会契约理论是由自然法学派所提出来的一种国家学说 ,但是它却具有超越于国家学说的更深层次的意义 ,因为它涉及到国家政府权力的合法性以及权力与权利等深层次宪政理论问题 ,并且它所体现的自由、平等、人权精神也是至关重要的 ,这对我国法治建设具有非常积极的意义。
The theory of social contract is a state theory put forward by the natural law school,but it has a deeper meaning beyond itself.Bacause it covers some questions of constitutionalism theory,including the legality of state authority,rights and power.What's more,the spirit of freedom,equality and human rights that it embodies is also crucial.All these have a very positive effect on our conntry's constrction of nomocracy.
Journal of Guangdong Institute of Public Administration