
游走性舌炎的免疫组织化学研究 被引量:1

Immunohistochemical study of migratory glossitis
摘要 目的 比较分析游走性舌炎病损不同部位的表层脱落细胞在分化、增殖、凋亡上的差异。研究游走性舌炎病损的动态发展过程 ,探讨其细胞生物学机理。方法 将 2 0例 3~ 6岁儿童分为 2组 ,实验组为 1 0例典型病例 ,对照组为 1 0例无地图舌的健康儿童。实验组取游走性舌炎病损中央红斑区、边缘区以及周围舌背粘膜 3个部位的表层脱落细胞。制作细胞涂片。用ABC法进行免疫组织化学染色。检测的标志为CK ,PCNA ,C Myc及Bcl 2。用计算机数字图像分析系统进行染色图像分析。 结果 实验组病损中央红斑区显示最低的角化程度。边缘区以及周围舌背粘膜的PCNA和C Myc的表达水平显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 )。实验组边缘区的Bcl 2的表达水平最高 ,显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 游走性舌炎表现为病损中央红斑区为明显损害。机体自身亦表达出对于损害的反应 ,表现为从边缘区到周围区活跃的增殖修复至逐渐恢复愈合。 Objective (1) To analyze the differences of differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis in exfoliated cells from different areas of migratory glossitis. (2) To discuss the process of migratory glossitis and it's possible cytochemical mechanism. Methods 10 patients were used as test and 10 healthy chidren were used as control, all aged from 3 to 6 years old. The exfoliated cell samples of test were obtained from three different areas of the lesion: erythroplakia area, rim and surrounding area of dorsum of tongue. ABC method was performed to investigate the immunohistochemical expressions of CK, PCNA, C Myc and Bcl 2. Computer image digital analysis system was used to analyze the immunohistochemical expressions at last. Results Erythroplakia area showed the lowest expression of CK among the wholelesion and indicated the most loss of keratinocytes. The expressions of PCNA and C Myc in rim and surrounding area were significantly higher than in control ( P <0.01). Rim showed the highest expression of Bcl 2 compared with control ( P <0.01). Conclusion The lesion begins at the erythroplakia area which becomes the weakest point of the whole lesion. Human body has correspondingly local responses and a repairing trend. From rim to surrounding area, the data we got indicate the active cell proliferation, tissue repairing and healing.
作者 刘芳 石四箴
出处 《上海医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第z1期36-38,共3页 Shanghai Medical Journal
关键词 游走性舌炎 地图舌 免疫组织化学 Migratory golssitis Geographic tongue Immunohistochemistry
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