
Analysis on Depth Distribution and Precursor Mechanism of Small and Moderate Earthquakes

Analysis on Depth Distribution and Precursor Mechanism of Small and Moderate Earthquakes
摘要 In this paper, the focus depth distribution of earthquakes with each magnitude has been analyzed. Statistic data show that the lower magnitude is, the wider focus depth distributes. With larger magnitude, the focus tends to be concentrated in upper or middle crustal layers. We analyzed the cause of focus depth distribution and explained the precursor mechanism of small and moderate earthquakes with occurring condition and characteristics of strong earthquakes. The results of this paper may be applied to determine risk sites of strong earthquakes. In this paper, the focus depth distribution of earthquakes with each magnitude has been analyzed. Statistic data show that the lower magnitude is, the wider focus depth distributes. With larger magnitude, the focus tends to be concentrated in upper or middle crustal layers. We analyzed the cause of focus depth distribution and explained the precursor mechanism of small and moderate earthquakes with occurring condition and characteristics of strong earthquakes. The results of this paper may be applied to determine risk sites of strong earthquakes.
出处 《Earthquake Research in China》 2001年第4期406-411,共6页 中国地震研究(英文版)
关键词 SEISMICITY DEPTH distribution PRECURSOR Long- and medium-term EARTHQUAKE prediction Seismicity Depth distribution Precursor Long- and medium-term earthquake prediction
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