张爱玲的创作描绘了普通人尴尬卑琐的生存状态 ,表达了她对人生、时代和现代文明的悲剧性体验 :“荒凉世界中的荒凉人生”。她认同接受生命的荒凉虚无 ,并采取人生审美化、生活艺术化欣赏玩味世俗生活 ,放逐理想主义、理性 ,在趣味式戏剧式写作中将浓郁的悲剧感诗意化审美化。童年的不幸生活 ,成年遭遇的战乱及西方现代主义思潮、中国传统的乐生文化心态都使她将悲剧感审美化。
Zhang Ai ling writes to convey her tragic experience in life, in her time and in the modern civilization by depicting common people's abjectly existential embarassment.She recognizes and accepts the isolation and nothingness of an individual's existence.She adopting an attitude of 'taking life as an art'.The unhappy life in her childhood,unrealized ideas in her adult days,the western modernist, thoughts at the turn of the 20th century and the Chinese traditional culture,all these imbue her writing with an impersonal tragic sense of existence.Without a rational critical spirit,Zhang Ailing'works whose ideological depth is weakened,can not grow into their supposed stature
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)