

The Relationship between "Emotional Intelligence" and Psychological Training of Football
摘要 采用问卷调查、文献资料法,对“情商”进行评定,得出“情商”的高低,也就是理智控制感情,道德规范行为,纪律约束冲动,思维管理情绪的能力,它能在一定程度反应足球运动员心理素质。为有目的地训练和提高“情商”,进而全面提高运动员心理素质,最终取得优异的比赛成绩提供了借鉴。 The Emotional Intelligence level derived from the assessment of Emotional Intelligence shows the ability of senti- mental control, morality norm, discipline restraint and mentality management which also partially reflect the football players psychological quality. The EQ is possibly to be raised through training on purpose so as to raise in an all-round way the football players psychological quality and in the end to acquire excellent result in tournament.
出处 《体育科学研究》 2001年第3期17-20,共4页 Sports Science Research
关键词 情商 心理训练 自我认知 认识他人 本体结构 Emotional Intelligence psychological training self-recognition recognition of others reality configuration
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  • 2江明非 肖信华.谈我国足球运动员职业素质[J].上海体育学院学报,1997,:35-36.


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