在电子线路和通信课程的实验教学中,往往因为条件的限制而无法开设许多实验,本文推荐System View作为实验教学软件,它有强大的动态系统的模拟仿真功能,并适用于滤波器设计、信号处理、完整通信系统的设计与仿真等实验,可以构建一个良好的实验教学平台。
In the courses of electrocircuit and communication, many experiments are difficult to carry out for the limitation of condition. This thesis recommends an excellent software named System View, which is a comprehensive dynamic systems analysis environment for the design and simulation of scientific systems, and suitable for filter design, signal processing , general communication systems, and so on. So System View can build a good experimental environment.
Journal of Ezhou University