With the development of ULSI silicon technology, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) devices are scaling down to nanometer regime. Energy of carriers in inversion layer in MOS structure is quantized and consequently, the physics and then the transport characteris-tics of inversion layer carriers are different from those in semi-classical theory. One essential matter is that the widely used concept of conduction band (valence band as well) effective density-of-states is no longer valid in quantized inversion layer. In this paper, an alternative concept, called surface layer effective density-of-states, is used to model the characteristics of MOS structure including threshold voltage, carrier sheet density, surface potential as well as capacitance.
With the development of ULSI silicon technology, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) devices are scaling down to nanometer regime. Energy of carriers in inversion layer in MOS structure is quantized and consequently, the physics and then the transport characteris-tics of inversion layer carriers are different from those in semi-classical theory. One essential matter is that the widely used concept of conduction band (valence band as well) effective density-of-states is no longer valid in quantized inversion layer. In this paper, an alternative concept, called surface layer effective density-of-states, is used to model the characteristics of MOS structure including threshold voltage, carrier sheet density, surface potential as well as capacitance.