

Consideration on Reforming and Perfecting Medicole-gal Expertise System and Problems of implementing the 120th Provision of New Criminal Procedure Law
摘要 司法鉴定是保障司法公正的一项重要工作,法医鉴定是司法鉴定的重要组成部分、其中关于人身伤害的鉴定是最容易引起争议的焦点。关于法医鉴定体制如何进行改革与完善的呼声由来之久。近来也引起了法学界和法医工作者的广泛关注和讨论。本文从法医鉴定体制存在的主要问题及其改革完善作一探讨。我国现有法医鉴定体制存在主要问题有:一、立法规定不明确,司法鉴定法规不健全,导致无章可循。二、各地法医门诊机构设立混乱,工作职责划分不明。三、人身伤害鉴定程序混乱、出现“自侦自鉴、自检自鉴,自审自鉴”,容易受指派单位影响,不利于司法公正。四、伤残等级评定标准不一,有待统一;有的鉴定标准条文需进一步完善。五、受案范围规定不明,鉴定无规定等级之分,易造成多头鉴定,影响办案效率。六、重新鉴定无法落实到实处,出现法条与实践脱节。七、未规定统一的权威机构行使复核鉴定终局鉴定权,容易使伤害案件在鉴定环节久拖不决。解决的对策应通过制定法规条例加以规范,明确规定鉴定人的权力义务,职责分明。规定各个鉴定部门的受案范围,鉴定程序。如何管理协调,可以成立司法鉴定工作委员会、法医学鉴定委员会,人身伤害重新鉴定专家委员会等加于管理协调。本文还探讨三种法医鉴定体制的改革模式。并对《刑诉法》? Forensic expertise plays an important role in guaranteeing judicial justice. Medicolegal expertise is a constituent part of forensic expertise, of which the body injury examination is often sources of disputes; there have long been calls to reform and perfect the medi-colegal expertise system. The main problems of the present medicole-gal expertise system are as follows:1. Legislative rules are inexplicit and regulations of forensic expertise are incomplete. 2. The setup of forensic medical institutions is in anarchy and their responsibilities are not clear. 3. The procedure of body injury examination is in disorder. 4. The criterion for body injury classification is not normalized; 5. There is no clear definition about the scope of cases that different institutions can accept and no grade ratings of examination results. 6. Re-examination can not be implemented easily. 7. There is no authoritative institution endowed with ultimate re-examination power. With problems above, rules and regulations should be enacted, clarifying examiners' right and duty, distinguishing responsibilities, defining scopes of acceptable cases of different institutions, standardizing examination procedures. It is also recommended that working committees of forensic expertise, specifically committees of medicolegal expertise be founded to manage and coordinate forensic examination activities. After discussion of the 120th Provision of New Criminal Procedure Law, the author suggests that 'the centralized system' and 'the binary system' both have their shortcomings, that 'the plural open system ' be preferable.
作者 郭长铭
出处 《中国司法鉴定》 2001年第3期48-51,共4页 Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences
关键词 司去鉴定体制改革 司法鉴定工作委员会 法医学鉴定委员会 复核鉴定 reform of forensic expertise system committee of forensic expertise committee of medicolegal expertise forensic re-examination
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