灌南县作为江苏省一个经济欠发达地区 ,在实行计划生育“三结合”的时候 ,应因地制宜找准结合点 ,坚持宣传教育为先导 ,提高后进转化自觉性 ,充分发挥利益导向机制的作用 ,实行综合管理和责任考核制度 ,才能保证“少生快富”
s: The article points out that in order to carry out successfully the project of 'Fewer children, Better Life', Guannan county, one of the underdeveloped regions of Jiangsu province, should suit its measures to local conditions, take the FP publicity and education as the leading task, give full play to the incentive oriented mechanism and perfect the FP management as well.
Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programme Management