
胰岛素肺部给药系统研究进展 被引量:1

Research and Development of Insulin Formulations for Pulmonary Delivery System
摘要 目的介绍胰岛素肺部给药系统的研究进展。方法综述了肺部给药机制、胰岛素吸入制剂/装置、药动学和药效学特点、临床应用等研究内容。结果与结论胰岛素肺部给药系统的发展用以补充和/或替代皮下注射,可能是一种有效方法,使患者获得更好地糖尿病治疗结果。 OBJECTIVE To introduce the research and development of insulin formulations for pulmonary delivery system.METHODS This review will discuss the mechanism of pulmonary delivery,inhaled insulin formulations/devices,pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics,the efficacy and safety of inhaled insulin in the treatment of diabetes. RESULTS and CONCLUSION The development of pulmonary insulin delivery to supplement and/or replace subcutaneous insulin injections may be an effective alternative,allowing patients to achieve intensive diabetes management.
出处 《中国现代应用药学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第z1期609-613,共5页 Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy
关键词 吸入胰岛素 肺部给药 inhaled insulin pulmonary delivery
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