

The Clinical Characteristics and Cure Methods of Gastric Remnant Cancer
摘要 目的探讨残胃癌的易发因素,特点及治疗对策.方法对1996年1月至2007年12月我院收治的36例残胃癌患者回访性研究.结论残胃癌发生率男性高于女性,发病时间距首次手术5年以上,多发生于billrothⅡ式吻合术后,且多发生于吻合口,废胃癌临床缺乏特异性,应争取早期诊断,早期治疗,尽早手术是最有效的治疗手段. Objectiv To discuss the factors that result in gastric remnant cancer(GRC),its charaters and cure measures.Methods To review and study 36 GRC patients who have been treated in my hospital from jan.1996 to dec.2007.Conclution GRC is easily occurred on men than women.The person who does his/her first gastric operation more than five years more easily get GRC on his/her operation joint and more often ofter the billroth 2 gastric cancer operation,GRC lack of characteristic sympotom,so forepart daignosis and forepart cure is important.Operation is considered to be the most efficienly cure method.
作者 周建明
出处 《中国医药指南》 2008年第17期42-,28,共2页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 残胃癌 临床特点 治疗对策 Gastric remnant cancer Clinical characteristics Cure method
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