
民主国家同盟战略与意识形态话语下的中美关系 被引量:2

Sino-US Relations under the Strategy of Concert of Democracies and Ideological Discourse
摘要 民主国家同盟是美国普林斯顿国家安全研究报告提出的核心概念。这一概念是对美国大西洋战略的经验总结和理论诠释,在亚太地区则通过美、日、澳、印四国同盟倡议的提出和实施得以体现。近年来美国与日、澳、印等所谓民主国家进一步加强了军事交流与合作,显示出美国对外战略,尤其是对华战略中根深蒂固的意识形态考虑。民主国家同盟战略若变成现实,美国势必加大输出民主和人权的力度,从而将对中国施加更大的意识形态压力。这种情势无疑将使中国对外战略在21世纪面临某种不确定性,相应的调整和应对在所难免。 The Concert of Democracies is the core concept raised in the report of the Princeton Project on National Security. This concept is a summary of and theoretical annotation to America s Atlantic strategy. In the Asia-Pacific region, the concept is embodied in the forwarding and implementation of the proposal of the four-nation alliance of the United States, Japan, Australia and India. In recent years, the United States has strengthened military exchanges and cooperation with the 'democratic' countries like Ja...
作者 刘阿明
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期94-104,5,共12页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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