
基于修正罗德里格参数的小卫星SSUKF姿态确定 被引量:1

Attitude Estimation Using Modified Rodrigues Parameters Based on SSUKF for Micro-Satellite
摘要 用无陀螺的三轴稳定偏置动量小卫星三轴磁强计和太阳敏感器获得观测矢量,提出了一种基于超球面分布采样Unscented变换滤波(SSUKF)和修正罗德里格参数(MRPs)的姿态估计方法,给出了算法模型。SSUKF在保证滤波性能的基础上减少了采样点个数,减轻了星载计算机的负载;用MRPs描述小卫星姿态大幅减少了计算量。某小卫星的仿真结果表明:算法兼顾了精度、收敛速度和鲁棒性,且提高了计算效率,适于小卫星。 According to the observation vector acquired by 3-axial magnetometer and solar sensor for 3-axial stable momentum bias micro-satellite without gyro,an attitude estimation using modified Rodrigues parameters(MRPs) based on spherical simplex unscented transformation Kalman filtering(SSUKF) was put forward in this paper.The model was presented,in which the sampling points were decreased through SSUKF while the filter performance was guaranteed and the computation was reduced through attitude of satellite descr...
出处 《上海航天》 北大核心 2008年第6期12-15,28,共5页 Aerospace Shanghai
基金 国家自然科学基金(90405011) 航空基金(05C52007)
关键词 小卫星 动量偏置 姿态估计 超球面分布采样Unscented变换滤波算法 修正罗德里格参数 Micro-satellite Momentum bias Attitude estimation Spherical simplex unscented transformation Kalman filter Modified Rodrigues parameters
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