

The protection of tamped mud wall in the laneway construction of "Three Lanes and Seven Alleys"
摘要 "三坊七巷"作为我国目前最大的古街坊之一,其全面整治和保护修复工程已实施,实际工程遇到的许多技术问题急待各方进行处理,本文仅针对巷道开挖中的夯土墙如何保护作了分析介绍,供相关工程参考。 "Three Lanes and Seven Alleys"is one of the largest old blockin our country now,it s general renovation and protective repair are being actualized,many technic problems need to be disposed in actualengineering urgently.This article just analyses and introduces how to protect the tamped mud wallin digging of the laneway,and provides the reference for correlation engineering.
作者 黄仪
出处 《福建建筑》 2008年第12期59-60,共2页 Fujian Architecture & Construction
关键词 夯土墙 钻孔注浆 墙体支撑体系 the tamped mud walldrill and pouring slurrywall support system
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