
海军舰艇编队雷达系统EMC预测分析仿真研究 被引量:2

Research on the EMC Prediction and Simulation about Radars of Naval Warships Formation
摘要 针对未来海军舰艇编队作战复杂电磁环境,从系统工程的角度入手,建立编队雷达系统间EMC预测分析模型,并构建仿真软件验证了模型的有效性,能为实施舰艇编队频谱管理提供技术依据。 In allusion to complex electromagnetic environment of naval warships formation campaign in the future,the paper build models of ship fleet radar systems electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) prediction model from systems engineering,and verify availability of model by simulation.The result of this research promote to implement naval frequency spectrum management of naval warships formation.
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2008年第11期184-187,共4页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 舰艇编队 雷达系统 EMC预测分析 仿真 naval warships formation radar systems EMC prediction and simulation
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