
大豆异黄酮代谢产物--雌马酚对更年期症状的影响研究 被引量:4

Effect of equol of a isoflavone metabolite on menopausal symptoms
摘要 目的探讨大豆异黄酮代谢产物——雌马酚对妇女更年期症状的影响。方法经筛选的71名久居哈尔滨市45~55岁更年期妇女为调查对象,采用HPLC法检测其清晨第一次空腹尿样中雌马酚及其前体大豆异黄酮浓度,被调查者完成Kupperman评分问卷,用以评价其更年期症状严重程度,采用统计分析方法研究尿中雌马酚代谢与更年期症状的关系。结果尿中雌马酚浓度与更年期指数评分值之间存在数量上的负相关关系(P<0.05),按0.5μg/ml分组之后,负相关关系只表现在产雌马酚组。结论更年期妇女尿中雌马酚含量越高,更年期症状越轻。 Objective To explore the effect of equol of a isoflavone metabolite on menopausal women and the menopausal syndrome. Methods 71 menopausal women living in Harbin were assessed,and the participants were at the age of 45-55 years. The concentrations of Isoflavone and equol in first-void morning urines were analyzed by HPLC. All participants completed Kupperman questionnaire tables which were used to evaluate the severity of menopausal symptoms. The association between the equol concentrations in menopausal wo...
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期117-119,共3页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 达能膳食营养研究与宣教基金资助项目
关键词 更年期 大豆异黄酮 雌马酚 menopausal isoflavone equol
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