
稻瘟病菌Rab族蛋白的结构及演化分析 被引量:1

Structure and Evolution of the Rab Family Proteins in Magnaporthe grisea
摘要 运用生物信息学方法,进行稻瘟病菌基因组中假定的Rab蛋白结构分析、建立系统进化树、预测Rab蛋白可能的组织和时空表达特点。结果表明,稻瘟病菌基因组共有11个假定的Rab蛋白成员,这些蛋白均含Ras超家族典型的结构域,但具有可以区别于Cdc42等Rho家族小GTP酶的特征,部分Rab成员表现出组织与时空表达的特异性;进一步系统进化分析表明,23种真菌Rab蛋白在进化树上聚成8个分枝,并显示出Rab蛋白的分化可能早于真菌种类的分化。 Rab family proteins, mainly localized in endomembrane systems, are major members of the Ras superfamily, and act as the molecular switches and play pivotal roles in endomembrane transport system. To understand the function and evolution of the Rab family proteins in Magnaporthe grisea, bioinformatics approaches were used to conduct gene structure analysis, phylogenetic tree construction and prediction for gene expression temporarily and spatially at different organizations. In total, 11 putative Rab family ...
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 2009年第2期198-204,共7页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 福建省自然科学基金项目(No.B0520002) 国家自然科学基金项目(No.30770071)资助。
关键词 稻瘟病菌 RAB蛋白 系统进化 Magnaporthe grisea Rab family proteins phylogenetic analysis
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