津西钢铁公司半敞开方式浇铸的H型钢,腹板裂纹缺陷中近1/3是由夹杂物含量高引起的。研究表明:H型钢中主要有硅铝酸盐夹杂、硅钙酸盐夹杂、SiO2夹杂、CaO夹杂等。在稳态浇注条件下,铸坯中大型夹杂物质量含量为78.75mg/10kg;非稳态浇铸下的铸坯内大型非金属夹杂物的平均含量为130.09 mg/10kg,铸坯中非金属夹杂物含量较高,对进一步提高产品质量有一定限制。非稳态浇注对铸坯质量影响很大,提高操作水平、保持换包时中间包液面和结晶器液面稳定、减少卷渣及吸氧,有利于进一步减少非稳态浇注时铸坯内非金属夹杂物含量,稳定产品质量。含两种以上示踪元素的非金属夹杂物占铸坯测试数的83.3%,说明大部分非金属夹杂物来源并不单一。
Jinxi Iron&Steel Co.Ltd adopts Semi-open casting to produce H-beam,One-third of the cracks in abdomen plank are caused by high content of inclusions in steel.The result of research shows that: the main inclusions in H-beam are aluminate mixture of silicon,calcium salts mixed,SiO2 mixed,CaO mixed,and so on.The content of macro-inclusion is 78.75 mg/10kg in state of steady casting,and is 130.09 mg/10kg in state of unsteady casting.The c/ontent of non-metallic inclusions with a high level will have some influe...
Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition