

Crystal Growth of GaN and Preparation of Its Low Dimensional Materials
摘要 Wurtzite strcture gallium nitride, GaN,a direct bandgap semiconductor (3.4 eV at room temperature),is an ideal material for fabrication of blue/green light emit ti ng diodes, laser diodes,and high power integrated circuits.Recent progress in th in film crystal technique has realized the output of blue semiconductor lasers w i th a lifetime of over 10000 hours under continuous wave operation at room tempe r ature.So far GaN and its ternary indium and aluminum alloys are grown almost uni v ersally on foreign substrates with varying lattice mismatches.The mismatch undou btedly results in a significant dislocation density in the grown films.Hence it is necessary to grow single crystal GaN to be used as substrates for improvement of laser diodes.On the other hand,low dimensional GaN materials such as nanocry stalline powder,nanocrystal assembled bulk(nanophase) and nano wires are very u seful in both fundamental mesoscopic research and future development of GaN nano devices.Here we report our main recent progresses on the crystal growth of GaN a nd the preparation of its low dimensional materials. Wurtzite strcture gallium nitride, GaN,a direct bandgap semiconductor (3.4 eV at room temperature),is an ideal material for fabrication of blue/green light emit ti ng diodes, laser diodes,and high power integrated circuits.Recent progress in th in film crystal technique has realized the output of blue semiconductor lasers w i th a lifetime of over 10000 hours under continuous wave operation at room tempe r ature.So far GaN and its ternary indium and aluminum alloys are grown almost uni v ersally on foreig...
作者 陈小龙
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第S1期140-141,共2页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
关键词 GaN crystal semicondactor material vapour method high tem perature and high pressure method flux method hydrothermal method. GaN crystal semicondactor material vapour method high tem perature and high pressure method flux method hydrothermal method.
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