随着篮球比赛激烈程度的日趋增加 ,争夺篮板球在一场比赛中占有很大的比重。要想获得球权 ,争夺篮板球是重要的手段之一。挡人技术是争夺防守篮球板的首要因素 ,本文对争夺防守篮板球中的抢位挡人技术进行了比较全面、系统的分析 ,并对临场运用以及配合抢防守篮板球的方法也做了初步探讨 ,为抢防守篮板球技、战术的教学与训练提供参考 ,对教练员在训练中重视篮板技术的强化训练 ,从整体提高运动技术水平具有积极意义。
Backboard recovery becomes more and more important in ma t ch with the increase of intensity, and it is one of the main ways to get the bal l .Meanwhile blocking people is the chief factor in defense rebounding.The paper compressively analyses the taking place and blocking people in defense reboundi ng and probes into the ways of using it in live practice .It gives some referenc e s to the teaching and tactical training in defense rebounding skills ,and also h as positive significance in urging the coach t...
Defense board ball
Taking place
Blocking people