随着电力工业建设迅猛发展 ,建设中的岩土工程问题对土水试验提出了新的内容和要求。本文就多年来在工作中遇到的岩土工程中有普遍意义的四个问题进行初步探讨 :1 土工合成材料的应用与测试 ;2 粉煤灰的综合利用与试验 ;3 有关土水环保的试验 ;4 计算机技术在土工试验中的应用及土工测试技术的发展。
since electric power industry is developing rapidly in recent year,new requirements for soil test and water chemical analysis are needed in construction because of geotechical problems.Four substances which are often met in geohnical engineering practrice are preliminarily discussed in this paper:1 applications and testing of geotextile;2 comprehensive utilization and testing of fly ash;3 geoenvironmental testing of soil;4 computer technical applications in soil test and development of soil measurement technique.
Electric Power Survey & Design