韩国自 60年代以来 ,为了推进经济开发五年计划的实施 ,培养一些必须的科学技术人员 ,同时为了在传统的农业社会迅速向科学技术社会转变的过程中能够提高国民的科学文化素质 ,使国民能够积极地参与到国家发展事业中来 ,韩国大力开展科学技术大众化事业。韩国的科学技术大众化事业 ,随着政府科学技术政策的发展、社会性大事件和民间的要求 ,逐渐地深化发展下去 ,并逐步向科学技术文化靠近。韩国在短短的 30年内 ,实现了经济的迅速发展 ,与此同时 。
In order to accelerate the five-year plan economy development, bring up useful personnel in the field of science and technology, and meanwhile, improve people's science literacy in the proceeding of the rapid change from the traditional agricultural society to a science and technology society, thus encourage people actively join national development, South Korea has greatly developed science popularization since 1960's. Along with the development of the policy of science and technology, the social events and popular requirement, scientific popularization in South Korea has been gradually and deeply improved and step into science culture. In the past 30 years, South Korea has realized rapid economic development. In the meantime, it gradually perfects the policy of science and technology under the basis of popular attendance and necessities.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)