利用差示扫描量热 ( DSC)、透射电镜 ( TEM)和 X射线衍射 ( XRD)技术对快速凝固Al91 Ni7Y2 合金条带急冷态和不同温度退火态的晶化行为及显微结构演化进行了研究。结果表明 :急冷态的 Al91 Ni7Y2 合金为部分 Al粒子均匀分布在非晶基底上的复合材料。从急冷态到高温平衡态有三阶段晶化过程 ,对所有的晶化温度和晶化相的测量表明 ,DSC曲线上第一个峰的初始和峰值温度分别为 2 4 0℃和 2 67℃ (在加热速率为 1 0℃ /min条件下 ) ,这一相对高的温度表明此复合材料有高的热稳定性。
The crystallization behavior and microstructural development during annealing of melt spun Al 91 Ni 7Y 2 ribbons have been investgated by a combination of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X ray diffractometry(XRD).The results show that the as solidified melt spun Al 91 Ni 7Y 2 alloy is a kind of composite consisting of amorphous matrix and Al particles distributed homogeneously in matrix.Three transformation stages from the composite structure to equilibrium state can be distinguished.All reaction temperatures and crystallization phases were determined and the results show that the initial crystallization temperature and peak crystallization temperature at a heating rate of 10℃/min are 240℃ and 267℃ respectively,which indicate the good stability of the composite alloy
Ordnance Material Science and Engineering