

KAP of AIDS among migrant fertile women and analysis of its influence factors in Minhang district,Shanghai
摘要 目的研究上海市闵行区外来流动育龄妇女艾滋病知识、态度、行为情况及其影响因素。方法采用单纯随机抽样的方法,选择前来闵行区莘庄社区体检门诊进行体检的外来流动育龄妇女631人,进行匿名问卷调查。结果外来育龄妇女对艾滋病知识的了解较差,仅有58.0%对艾滋病知识掌握较好。三种艾滋病传播途径的知晓率分别是:输血(84.3%)、性行为(81.6%)、母婴传播(74.5%)。安全套可预防艾滋病的知晓率仅为40.7%。已婚和未婚的育龄妇女最近一次安全套使用有明显差别,未婚育龄妇女明显高于已婚育龄妇女。多因素分析显示,艾滋病知识与文化程度和流入地居住年限有关,文化程度越高知识得分越高,流入地居住的年限长则艾滋病得分也高。结论需要进一步提高外来流动育龄妇女对艾滋病知识的了解尤其是加强对已婚育龄妇女艾滋病知识宣传,以增强她们感染艾滋病的危险意识,促进安全套的使用率,从而降低感染艾滋病的风险。 Objective To comprehend the knowledge, attitude and behavior of ADIS among migrant fertile women, and to explore its related factors in Minhang District, Shanghai. Methods 631 women were recruited by simple random sampling from those who attended the family planning service center in this district, and face to face anonymous interview was then carried. Results Knowledge of ADIS among Migrant Fertile Women was low, only 58.0% of migrant fertile women comprehend it well. The knowledge rate of three infecting ways of AIDS is: blood transfusion (84.3%), sexual behavior (81.6%), mother to fetus (74.5%). Only 40.7% of them know that using condom can prevent infection of ADIS. For the latest sexual behavior, the rate of using condom in unmarried-women is much higher than married ones. Multivariate analysis indicated that the higher class of their education, the higher the score of knowledge they gained, and the living period showed the same trend. Conclusion In order to improve knowledge of ADIS in Migrant Fertile Women, to increase the rate of using condom and to reduce the risk of ADIS infection, it is necessary to enhance publicizing the ADIS knowledge in migrant fertile women, especially for the married.
出处 《热带病与寄生虫学》 2009年第1期28-30,共3页 Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
基金 美国国立卫生研究院资助项目(R01TW007298 HE)
关键词 外来育龄妇女 艾滋病 知识态度行为 Migrant fertile women ADIS Knowledge Attitude Behavior
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