毛泽东思想是马列主义与中国革命和建设的实际相结合的产物 ,是中国化的马克思列宁主义。马列主义和优秀的传统文化都是毛泽东思想的来源 ,但前者是主要的。毛泽东思想主要来源于中国传统文化的观点是笼统的、片面的。
Mao Zedong thought is the combination of Marxism and Leninism with the practices of the Chinese revolution and construction. It is typical Chinese Marxism. Marxism and Leninism and excellent traditional culture are all the sources of Mao Ze-dong Thought', but the former is the main source. The idea that Mao Zedong thought mainly originates from Chinese traditional culture is over general, unilateral and impracticable.
Journal of Yunyang Teachers College