By way of bactericidal halo test, the antibacterial performance of various electroplated deposits (cobalt, zinc, copper, silver, gold, nickel, chromium, cobalt-containing alloy of nickel, and nickel-containing alloy of cobalt) were determined. The results of the test show that the electroplated deposits of zinc, cobalt, cobalt-containing alloy of nickel, and nickel-containing alloy of cobalt, silver and copper possess a distinct antibacterial capability against the growth of pathogenic bacteria tested, and that SUS304 stainless steel and chromium deposit have no antibacterial activity. The relationship between the antibacterial capability and the rest potentials of the deposits was investigated. It was found that the higher the antibacterial activity of the electroplated deposit was, the more negative the rest potential of deposit was.
通过抑菌环检验方法 ,测试了各种镀层 (锌、钴、镍、铬、金、银、镍 钴合金、钴 镍合金、铜、SUS30 4不锈钢 )的抗菌性能 .抑菌环检验的结果表明 ,锌、钴、钴 镍合金、镍 钴合金、银、铜镀层具有明显的抗菌活性 ,SUS30 4不锈钢、铬镀层没有抗菌活性 .同时研究了镀层的抗菌性能与相应的稳定电位之间的关系 ,发现镀层的稳定电位越负 。