Mazur spaces, which are locally convex spaces and every sequentially continuous linear functional over them is continuous,are characterized. The following results are obtained, if (X, T) is a locally convex space, then the followings are equivalent: 1) (X, T) is a Mazur space; 2) T + (the largest locally convex topology with the same convergent sequence as T) is a compatible topology with T; 3) every sequentially open half-space in (X, T) is open. The relation between Mazur spaces and C-sequential spaces is discussed.
一个局部凸空间 ,若其上每一个列连续线性泛函是连续的 ,则称为Mazur空间 .文中给出Mazur空间的特征 ,讨论了Mazur空间与C 序列空间的关系 ,得到如下结果 :设 (X ,T)是一个局部凸空间 ,则以下结论是等价的 :1) (X ,T)是Mazur空间 ;2 )T+ (与T有相同收敛序列的最强的局部凸拓扑 )是相容拓扑 ;3) (X ,T)中每一个列开的半空间是开的 .