Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the 28.5ku Movement Protein of Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FMV)
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the 28.5ku Movement Protein of Frangipani Mosaic Virus (FMV)
Based on conserved regions among genomic RNA of tobamoviruses, a pair of primers spanning the sequence encoding the movement protein were synthesized. A cDNA fragment of 1700bp was thus amplified by RT-PCR(reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction). The fragment was cloned into pGEM-T easy vector and sequenced. DNA sequence analysis showed that the fragment contained a region of 768 nucleotides encoding protein of 256 amino acid of frangipani mosaic virus (FMV) and also partial sequence corresponding to 180ku and 17. 5ku protein.
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