多方的理论证明:生命个体一来到世上就具备接受一切的能力,孩子成为天才还是庸才,不 是决定于天赋的多少,而是决定于生下来后到五、六岁时的生活环境和所受的教育。我们的文明远远落后于发 达国家,一个很重要的原因是:历时几千年的封建社会时期女子绝大多数是文盲,自身没有能力教育孩子,可 是受过教育的现代妇女在蛊惑人心的女权运动倡导下又不自觉地落入了另一个极端,不知不觉扼杀了天才。
Many theories have already proved that an individual, once born, is endowed with the capability to learn. Whether the child becomes a talent or a good-for-nothing depends on his or her living environment and education from their birth to the age of 5 or 6, rather than anything inherited from the parents. Our civilization lags far behind those of the advanced countries, which is due to the fact that most of the women in the past were illiterate themselves who were unable to educate their children. While modern women with modern education, confused by the ideas of the feminism, come to another extreme, strangling some geniuses without knowing it.
early education, genius, contemporary women.